Home / Prices and how to buy photos
The price for a picture is 34 Euro/38 US dollar, for use in one specific publication. The price for unlimited use of a picture is 85 Euro/95 US dollar.
Buying a picture is very simple and is done through PayPal. By clicking the desired picture, you can choose whether you want to buy the picture for usage once or unlimited use. By selecting “Add to cart” a new window opens in PayPal. Just follow the instructions on PayPal. You don’t order anything before you press “Pay Now”. After placing the order, you will receive a receipt.
The pictures that you’ve bought will be sent to you in full resolution by e-mail the same day. If you are dissatisfied by the pictures you can get your money back – please contact me.
If you have questions, please send an email (fotoinaturen@gmail.com) or give me a call: +45 5136 4263.